By harnessing new numerical tools that have been recently made available, one can use the gauge-gravity duality to study the dynamics of gauge theories. Such an endeavor requires expertise coming from numerical relativity as well as practitioners of the gauge-gravity duality. The workshop intends to bring together such experts in order to propel forward currently available algorithms for understanding the dynamics of black holes, as well as gaining a handle over the novel problems that can be addressed using these new tools.
Invited speakers
Martin Ammon (FSU, Jena)
Daniel Arean (MPI, Munich)
Oscar Dias (University of Southampton)
Masanori Hanada (Kyoto University and Stanford University)
Michal Heller (Perimeter institute)
Aron Jansen (Utrecht)
Niko Jokela (University of Helsinki)
Luis Lehner (Perimeter institute)
Paul Romatschke (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Moshe Rozali (University of British Columbia)
Andrzej Rostworowski (Jagiellonian University)
Toby Wiseman (Imperial college, London)
Benjamin Withers (University of Southampton)
Oren Bergman, Technion
Gilad Lifschytz, Haifa University
Shlomo Razamat, Technion
Amos Yarom, Technion
Avital Rosenthal
: 972-4-829-2608