- S. Das, A. Sane, S. Bhadra, S. Ghosh, O. Granek, Y. Kafri, D. Levine, Lever rule violation and pressure imbalance in a driven granular system, submitted.
- Y. Zhao, R. Saline, A. Dear, Y. Kafri, J. Tailleur, F. van Wijland, Active Young-Dupré Equation: How Self-organized Currents Stabilize Partial Wetting, submitted.
- L. Antonio, Y. Kafri, D. Podolsky, A. M. Turner, Motion from Measurement: The Role of Symmetry of Quantum Measurements, submitted.
- T. Arnoulx de Pirey, Y. Kafri, S. Ramaswamy- The Anomalous Long-Ranged Influence of an Inclusion in Momentum-Conserving Active Fluids, Physical Review X, 14, 041034 (2024).
- O. Granek, Y. Kafri, M. Kardar, S. Ro, A. Solon, J. Tailleur, Inclusions, Boundaries and Disorder in Scalar Active Matter, Reviews of Modern Physics, 96, 031003 (2024).
- B. Benvegnen, O. Granek, S. Ro, R. Yaacoby, H, Chate, Y. Kafri, D. Mukamel, A. Solon, J. Tailleur, Metastability of Discrete-Symmetry Flocks, Physical Review Letters, 131, 218301 (2023).
- T. Agranov, S. Ro, Y. Kafri, V. Lecomte, Macroscopic Fluctuation Theory and Current Fluctuations in Active Lattice Gases, SciPost, SciPost Phys. 14, 045 (2023).
- Y. Ben Dor, Y. Kafri, M. Kardar, J. Tailleur, Passive objects in confined active fluids: a localization transition, Physical Review E, 106, 044604 (2022).
- O. Granek, Y. Kafri, J. Tailleur, Anomalous Transport of Tracers in Active Baths, Physical Review Letters 129, 038001 (2022).
- Y. Ben Dor, Y. Kafri, D. Mukamel, A. M. Turner, Long-Range Influence of a Pump on a Critical Fluid, Physical Review Letters 128, 154501 (2022).
- Y. Ben Dor, S. Ro, Y. Kafri, M. Kardar, J. Tailleur, Disordered boundaries destroy bulk phase separation in scalar active matter, Physical Review E, 105, 044603 (2022).
- J. O’Byrne, Y. Kafri, J. Tailleur, F. van Wijland, Time-(ir)reversibility in active matter: from micro to macro, Nature Reviews Physics, https://doi.org/10.1038/s42254-021-00406-2.
- T. Agranov, S. Ro, Y. Kafri, V. Lecomte, Exact fluctuating hydrodynamics of active lattice gases – Typical fluctuations, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 083208 (2021).
- S. Ro, Y. Kafri, M. Kardar, J. Tailleur, Disorder-induced long-ranged correlations in scalar active media, Physical Review Letters, 126, 048003 (2021).
- O. Granek, Y. Baek, Y. Kafri, A. P. Solon, Bodies in an Interacting Active Fluid: Far-Field Influence of a Single Body and Interaction Between Two Bodies, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, J. Stat. Mech. 063211 (2020).
- R. Zakine, Y. Zhao, M. Knežević, A. Daerr, Y. Kafri, J. Tailleur, F. van Wijland, Surface Tensions between Active Fluids and Solid Interfaces: bare vs dressed, Physics Review Letters, 124, 248003 (2020).
- E. Woillez, Y. Kafri, V. Lecomte, Nonlocal stationary probability distributions and escape rates for an active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck particle, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 063204 (2020).
- E. Woillez, Y. Kafri, N. Gov, The active trap model, Physical Review Letters, 124, 118002 (2020).
- Y. Ben Dor, E. Woillez, Y. Kafri, M. Kardar, A. P. Solon, Ramifications of disorder on active particles in one dimension, Physical Review E, 100, 052610 (2019).
- Y. Baek, Y. Kafri, V. Lecomte, Finite-size and finite-time effects in large deviation functions near dynamical symmetry breaking transitions, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 103202 (2019).
- E. Woillez, Y. Zhao, Y. Kafri, V. Lecomte, J. Tailleur, Activated escape of a self-propelled particle from a metastable state, Physical Review Letters, 122, 258001 (2019).
- Y. Ben-Dor, Y. Kafri, and J. Tailleur, Forces in Dry Active Matter, Lecture Notes from Les Houches Summer School on Active Matter and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics 2018.
- F. Ginot, A. P. Solon, Y. Kafri, C. Ybert, J. Tailleur, C. Cottin-Bizonne, Sedimentation of self-propelled Janus colloids: polarization and pressure, New Journal of Physics, 20, 115001 (2018).
- A. P. Solon, J. Stenhammar, M. E. Cates, Y. Kafri, J. Tailleur, Generalized thermodynamics of Motility-Induced Phase Separation: Phase equilibria, Laplace pressure, and change of ensembles, New Journal of Physics. New Journal of Physics, 20, 075001 (2018).
- I. Reichental, A. Klempner, Y. Kafri, D. Podolsky, Thermalization in open quantum systems, Physical Review B, 97, 134301 (2018).
- Y. Baek, Y. Kafri, V. Lecomte, Dynamical phase transitions in the current distribution of driven diffusive channels, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 51, 105001 (2018).
- Y. Baek, A. P. Solon, X. Xu, N. Nikola, Y. Kafri, Generic long-range interactions between passive bodies in an active fluid, Physical Review Letters, 120, 058002 (2018).
- A. P. Solon, J. Stenhammar, M. E. Cates, Y. Kafri, J. Tailleur, Generalized Thermodynamics of Phase Equilibria in Scalar Active Matter, Physical Review E, 97, 020602(R) (2018).
- Y. Fily, Y. Kafri, A. P. Solon, J. Tailleur, A. Turner, Mechanical pressure and momentum conservation in dry active matter, 51, 044003 (2017).
- Y. Baek, Y. Kafri, V. Lecomte, Dynamical symmetry breaking and phase transitions in driven diffusive systems, Physical Review Letters, 118, 030604 (2017).
- N. Nikola, A. P. Solon, Y. Kafri, M. Kardar, J. Tailleur, R. Voituriez, Active particles on curved surfaces: Equation of state, ratchets, and instabilities, Physical Review Letters, 117, 098001 (2016).
- Luca D’Alessio, Yariv Kafri, Anatoli Polkovnikov, and Marcos Rigol, From quantum chaos and eigenstate thermalization to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, Advances in Physics, 65, 239 (2016).
- Y. Baek, Y. Kafri, V. Lecomte, Extreme current fluctuations of boundary-driven systems in the large-N limit, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 053203 (2016).
- A. I. Curatolo, M. R. Evans, Y. Kafri, J. Tailleur, Multilane driven diffusive systems, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 49, 095601 (2016).
- L. D’Alessio, Y. Kafri and A. Polkovnikov, Negative mass corrections in a dissipative stochastic environment, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 023105 (2016).
- A. P. Solon, Y. Fily, A. Baskaran, M. E. Cates, Y. Kafri, M. Kardar and J. Tailleur, Pressure is not a state function for generic active fluids, Nature Physics 11, 673-678 (2015)
- A. Aminov, Y. Kafri, and M. Kardar, Fluctuation-Induced Forces in Non-equilibrium (Diffusive) Dynamics, Physical Review Letters 114, 230602:1-5 (2015).
- A. P. Solon, J. Stenhammar, R. Wittkowski, M. Kardar, Y. Kafri, M. E. Cates, J. Tailleur, Pressure and Phase Equilibria in Interacting Active Brownian Spheres, Physical Review Letters 114, 198301:1-5 (2015).
- N. Shapira, Y. Lamhot, O. Shpielberg, Y. Kafri, B. J. Ramshaw, D. A. Bonn, Ruixing Liang, W. N. Hardy, and O. M. Auslaender, Disorder-induced power-law response of a superconducting vortex on a plane, Physical Review B 92, 100501(R) (2015).
- Y. Baek and Y. Kafri, Singularities in large deviation functions, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P08026:1-31 (2015).
- A. Aminov, G. Bunin, and Y. Kafri, Singularities in large deviation functionals of bulk-driven transport models, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P08017:1-24 (2014).
- G. Bunin, Y. Kafri, V. Lecomte, D. Podolsky and A. Polkovnikov, Transport-induced correlations in weakly interacting systems, J. Stat. Mech., P08015:1-12 (2013).
- G. Bunin, Y. Kafri and D. Podolsky, Cusp singularities in boundary driven-diffusive systems, Journal of Statistical Physics 152, 112-135 (2013).
- G. Bunin and Y. Kafri, Dynamics of energy fluctuations in equilibrating and driven dissipative systems, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 46, 095002:1-13 (2013).
- G. Bunin, Y. Kafri and D. Podolsky, Large deviations in boundary-driven diffusive systems: Numerical evaluation and effective large-scale behavior, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, L10001:1-9 (2012).
- G. Bunin, Y. Kafri and D. Podolsky, Large deviations in boundary-driven systems: Numerical evaluation and effective large-scale behavior, EPL, 99, 20002:1-6 (2012).
- M. Sheinman and Y. Kafri, How the DNA sequence affects the Hill curve of transcriptional response, Physical Biology 9, 056006:1-10 (2012).
- M. Sheinman, O. Benichou, Y. Kafri and R. Voituriez, Classes of fast and specific search mechanisms for proteins on DNA, Reports on Progress in Physics 75, 026601:1-33 (2012).
- Meyer, O. Benichou, Y. Kafri and R. Voituriez, Geometry-induced bursting in gene expression, Biophysical Journal, Biophysical Journal 102, 2186-2191 (2012).
- S. Chatterjee, R. A. da Silveira and Y. Kafri, Chemotaxis when bacteria remember: drift versus diffusion, PLoS computational biology 7, e1002283:1-8 (2011).
- M. R. Evans, Y. Kafri, K. E. P. Sugden and J. Tailleur, Phase diagram of two-lane driven diffusive systems, Journal of Statistical Mechanic: Theory and Experiment, P06009:1-25 (2011).
- G. Bunin, L. D’Alessio, Y. Kafri and A. Polkovnikov, Universal energy fluctuations in thermally isolated driven systems, Nature Physics 7, 913-917 (2011).
- N. Merhav and Y. Kafri, Statistical properties of entropy production derived from fluctuation theorems, Journal of Statistical Mechanic: Theory and Experiment P12022:1-14 (2010).
- M. Sheinman, O. Benichou, R. Voituriez and Y. Kafri, First passage time distribution for a random walker in a random forcing energy landscape, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P09005:1-18 (2010).
- P. Pradhan, Y. Kafri and D. Levine, Ion transport through confined ion channels in the presence of immobile charges, Physical Review E, 81, 031928:1-6 (2010).
- E. Altman, Y. Kafri, A. Polkovnikov and G. Rephael, Superfluid-insulator transition of disordered bosons in one-dimension, Physical Review B 81, 174528:1-16 (2010).
- N. Merhav and Y. Kafri, Bose-Einstein condensation in the large-deviations regime with applications to information system models, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P02011:1-19 (2010).
- J. Tailleur, M. R. Evans and Y. Kafri, Non-equilibrium phase transitions in tubulation by molecular motors, Physical Review Letters 102, 118109:1-4 (2009).
- A. Bar, Y. Kafri and D. Mukamel, Dynamics of DNA melting, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 034110:1-9 (2009).
- D. Hexner and Y. Kafri, Tug-of-war in motility assay experiments, Physical Biology, 6, 036016:1-15 (2009).
- O. Benichou, Y. Kafri, M. Sheinman and R. Voituriez, Searching fast for a target on a DNA without falling to traps, Physical Review Letters 103, 138102:1-4 (2009).
- M. Sheinman and Y. Kafri, Effects of intersegmental transfers of target location by proteins, Physical Biology 6, 016003:1-17 (2009).
- P. Pradhan, Y. Kafri and D. Levine, Non-equilibrium fluctuation theorems in the presence of local heating, Physical Review E 77, 041129:1-7 (2008).
- E. Altman, Y. Kafri, A. Polkovnikov and G. Refael, Superfluid-insulator transition of disordered bosons in one dimension, Physical Review Letters 100, 170402:1-4 (2008).
- Y. Kafri and R. A. da Silveira, Steady-state Chemotaxis in Escherichia Coli, Physical Review Letters 100, 238101:1-4 (2008).
- Y. Kafri, D. R. Nelson and A. Polkovnikov, Unzipping vortices in type-II superconductors, Physical Review B 76, 144501:1-18 (2007).
- A. Bar, Y. Kafri, D. Mukamel, Loop dynamics in DNA denaturation, Physical Review Letters 98, 038103:1-4 (2007).
- Y. Kafri and A. Polkovnikov, DNA unzipping and the unbinding of directed polymers in a random media, Physical Review Letters 97, 208104:1-4 (2006).
- O. Campas, Y. Kafri, K. B. Zeldovich, J. Casademunt and J. F. Joanny, Collective dynamics of molecular motors pulling on fluid membranes, Physical Review Letters 97, 038101:1-4 (2006).
- Y. Kafri, D. R. Nelson and A. Polkovnikov, Unzipping flux lines from extended defects in type-II superconductors, Europhysics Letters 73, 253-259 (2006).
- A. Polkovnikov, Y. Kafri and D. R. Nelson, Vortex pinning by a columnar defect in planar superconductors with point disorder, Physical Review B 71, 014511:1-11 (2005).
- Y. Kafri and D. R. Nelson, Sequence heterogeneity and the dynamics of molecular motors, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17, S3871-S3386 (2005).
- Y. Kafri, D. K. Lubensky and D. R. Nelson, Dynamics of Molecular Motors with Finite Processivity on Heterogeneous Tracks, Physical Review E 71, 041906:1-14 (2005).
- J. D. Weeks, J. B. Lucks, Y. Kafri, C. Danilowicz, D. R. Nelson and M. Prentiss, Pause Point Spectra in DNA Constant-Force Unzipping, Biophysical Journal 88, 2752-2765 (2005).
- M. R. Evans, T. Hanney and Y. Kafri, Disorder and non-conservation in a driven diffusive system, Physical Review E 70, 066124:1-6 (2004).
- E. Altman, Y. Kafri, A. Polkovnikov and G. Rafael, Phase transition of one dimensional bosons with strong disorder, Physical Review Letters 93, 150402:1-4 (2004).
- Y. Kafri, D. K. Lubensky and D. R. Nelson, Dynamics of molecular motors and polymer translocation with sequence heterogeneity, Biophysical Journal 86, 3373-3391 (2004).
- C. Danilowicz, Y. Kafri, R. S. Conroy, V. Coljee, J. Weeks and M. Prentiss, Measurement of the phase diagram of DNA unzipping in the temperature-force plane, Physical Review Letters 93, 078101:1-4 (2004).
- Y. Kafri and D. Mukamel, Griffiths singularities in unbinding of strongly disordered polymers, Physical Review Letters 91, 055502 :1-4 (2003).
- Y. Kafri, E. Levine, D. Mukamel, G. M. Schutz, and R. D. Willmann, Phase-separation transition in one-dimensional driven models, Physical Review E 68, 035101:1-4 (2003).
- M. Baiesi, E. Carlon, Y. Kafri, D. Mukamel, E. Orlandini and A. L. Stella, Inter-strand distance distribution of DNA near melting, Physical Review E 67, 021911:1-6 (2003).
- Y. Kafri, E. Levine, D. Mukamel and J. Torok, Sharp crossover and anomalously large correlation length in driven systems, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35, L459-L466 (2002).
- M. R. Evans, Y. Kafri, E. Levine and D. Mukamel, Phase transition in non-conserving driven diffusive systems, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35, L433-L438 (2002).
- Y. Kafri, E. Levine, D. Mukamel, G. M. Schutz and J. Torok, Criterion for phase separation in one dimensional driven system, Physical Review Letters 89, 035702:1-4 (2002).
- Y. Kafri, D. Mukamel, and L. Peliti, Denaturation and unzipping of DNA: Statistical mechanics of interacting loops, Physica A 306, 39-50 (2002).
- Y. Kafri, D. Muakmel, and L. Peliti, Melting and unzipping of DNA, European Physical Journal B 27, 135-146 (2002).
- E. Levine, Y. Kafri, and D. Mukamel, Coarsening of the driven Ising model, Physical Review E 64, 026105:1-5 (2001).
- M. R. Evans, Y. Kafri, E. Levine, and D. Mukamel, Coarsening of a class of driven striped structures, Physical Review E 62, 7619-7626 (2000).
- Y. Kafri, D. Mukamel, and L. Peliti, Why is the DNA denaturation transition first order?, Physical Review Letters 85, 4988-4991 (2000).
- R. A. Blythe, M. R. Evans, and Y. Kafri, Stochastic ballistic annihilation and coalescence, Physical Review Letters 85, 3750-3753 (2000).
- Y. Kafri, D. Biron, M. R. Evans, and D. Mukamel, Slow coarsening in driven system, European Physical Journal B 16, 669-676 (2000).
- Y. Kafri, Exact solution of homogeneous ballistic annihilation with a general reaction probability, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33, 2365-2372 (2000).
- Y. Kafri and M. J. E. Richardson, Reaction diffusion and ballistic annihilation near an impenetrable boundary, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32, 3253-3273 (1999).
- M. J. E. Richardson and Y. Kafri, Boundary effects in reaction-diffusion processes, Physical Review E 59, R4725-R4728 (1999).
- M. R. Evans, Y. Kafri, H. M. Koduvely and D. Mukamel, Phase separation and coarsening in one-dimensional driven diffusive systems: Local dynamics leading to long-range Hamiltonians, Physical Review E 58, 2764-2778 (1998).
- M. R. Evans, Y. Kafri, H. M. Koduvely and D. Mukamel, Phase separation in one-dimensional driven diffusive systems, Physical Review Letters 80, 425-429 (1998).