Here is the current Monday events plan. scroll down for A google calendar version.
June 25:
18:30 Prof. David Gershoni – From Quantum Dots to Quantum Technologies
June 18:
18:30 Chen Mechel- Phase transitions
June 11:
18:30 Prof. Dov Levine.
June 4:
18:30 social meeting.
May 28:
18:30 Prof. Kinneret Keren.
May 21:
18:30 Prof. Ganpathy Murthy, University of Kentucky – Quantum Hall Edges.
May 7:
18:30 Prof. Erez Braun – Pattern formation in nature.
April 16:
18:30 Chen Mechel – Quantum Computers.
April 9:
18:30 Prof. Ari Laor – Dimensional Analysis in Astrophysics.
January 22:
18:30 Prof. Nimrod Moiseyev – Examples for a counter intuitive behavior of quantum particles.
January 8:
18:30 Prof. Hagai Peretz – New frontiers in astrophysics: Moon formation, cosmic explosions, gravitational waves and other vegetables .
January 1:
18:30 Mid-semester meeting.
December 25:
18:30 Prof. Amit Kanigel – Visualizing the Fermi surface.
December 11:
18:30 Prof. Yariv Kafri – State Functions
December 4:
18:30 Dr. Shay HaCohen-Gourgy
November 27:
18:30 Prof. Yossi Avron.
November 20:
18:30 Prof. Emil Polturak – Research at low temperatures: the search for order in physical systems.
November 13:
18:30 Prof. Boris Shapiro
November 6:
18:30 Prof. Uri Sivan
October 30:
18:30 Prof. Noam Soker – Astrophysical Naturalness
October 23:
18:30 Opening meeting