“Cavity-mode initialization via a Rabi-driven qubit” By N Karaev, E Blumenthal, G Moshel, AA Diringer, S Hacohen-Gourgy, Physical Review Applied 23 (1), 014043 (2025)
“Propagation velocity measurements of substrate phonon bursts using MKIDs for superconducting circuits” By G Moshel, O Rabinowitz, E Blumenthal, S Hacohen-Gourgy, Applied Physics Letters 125 (22) (2025)
“Conditional not displacement: fast multi-oscillator control with a single qubit” By AA Diringer, E Blumental, A Grinberg, L Jiang, S Hacohen-Gourgy, arxiv.org/abs/2301.09831, Physical Review X 14 (1), 011055 (2024)
“A multi-qubit quantum gate using the Zeno effect” By A multi-qubit quantum gate using the Zeno effect, Quantum 7, 1100 (2023)
“Free-electron interactions with photonic GKP states: error correction and universal quantum computation” By Shiran Even-Haim, Gefen Baranes, Ron Ruimy, Alexey Gorlach, Raphael Dahan, Asaf A Diringer, Shay Hacohen-Gourgy, Ido Kaminer, CLEO: Fundamental Science, FM3A. 6 (2023)
“Generalized Conditional Displacement”, By Shiran Even-Haim, Asaf A Diringer, Ron Ruimy, Gefen Baranes, Alexey Gorlach, Shay Hacohen-Gourgy, Ido Kaminer, Quantum 2.0, QTh4C. 6 (2023)
“Demonstration of universal control between non-interacting qubits using the Quantum Zeno effect” By Eliya Blumenthal, Chen Mor, Asaf A. Diringer, Leigh S. Martin, Philippe Lewalle, Daniel Burgarth, K. Birgitta Whaley, Shay Hacohen-Gourgy, npj Quantum information 8 (2022)
“Implementation of a canonical phase measurement with quantum feedback” By LS Martin, WP Livingston, S Hacohen-Gourgy, HM Wiseman, I Siddiqi, Nat. Phys. (2020)
“Frequency mixing in a ferrimagnetic sphere resonator” By Cijy Mathai, Sergei Masis, Oleg Shtempluck, Shay Hacohen-Gourgy, Eyal Buks, Europhysics Letters, 131, 67001 (2020). arXiv:2005:09864
“Using a Recurrent Neural Network to Reconstruct Quantum Dynamics of a Superconducting Qubit from Physical Observations” By E Flurin, LS Martin, S Hacohen-Gourgy, I Siddiqi, Physical Review X 10 (1), 011006 (2020) arXiv:1811.12420
“Fast gate-based readout of silicon quantum dots using Josephson parametric amplification” S Schaal, I Ahmed, JA Haigh, L Hutin, B Bertrand, S Barraud, M Vinet, C-M Lee, N Stelmashenko, JWA Robinson, JY Qiu, S Hacohen-Gourgy, I Siddiqi, MF Gonzalez-Zalba, JJL Morton, Physical Review Letters 124 (6), 067701 (2020)
“Correlators exceeding one in continuous measurements of superconducting qubits” By J. Atalaya, S Hacohen-Gourgy, I Siddiqi, AN Korotkov, Physical Review Letters 122 (22), 223603 (2019) arXiv:1809.04222
“Multi-time correlators in continuous measurement of qubit observables” By J. Atalaya, S. Hacohen-Gourgy, L.S. Martin, I. Siddiqi, A.N. Korotkov, Physical Review A 97 (2), 020104 (2018)
“Simultaneous continuous measurements of non-commuting observables:quantum state correlations” By A. Chantasri, J. Atalaya, S. Hacohen-Gourgy, L. Martin, I. Siddiqi, A. Jordan, Physical Review A 97 (1), 012118 (2018)
“Correlators in simultaneous measurement of non-commuting qubit observables” By J. Atalaya, S. Hacohen-Gourgy, L.S. Martin, I. Siddiqi, A.N. Korotkov, npj Quantum Information 4, 41 (2018)
“Incoherent qubit control using the quantum Zeno effect”, By S. Hacohen-Gourgy, L. Martin, L. P. Garcia-Pintos, J. Dressel, I. Siddiqi, Physical Review Letters 120, 020505 (2018)
“Stroboscopic qubit measurement with squeezed illumination” By A. Eddins, S. Schreppler, D. Toyli, L. Martin, S. Hacohen-Gourgy, L. Govia, H. Ribeiro, A. Clerk, I. Siddiqi, Physical Review Letters 120, 040505 (2018)
“Quantum dynamics of simultaneously measured non-commuting observables” By S. Hacohen-Gourgy, L. Martin, E. Flurin, V. V. Ramasesh, K. Birgitta Whaley, I. Siddiqi, Nature 538, 491–494 (2016).
“Observing Topological Invariants Using Quantum Walks” By E. Flurin, V. V. Ramasesh, S. Hacohen-Gourgy, L. Martin, N. Y. Yao, I. Siddiqi, Physical Review X 7 (3), 031023 (2017)
“Cooling and Autonomous Feedback in a Bose-Hubbard Chain with Attractive Interactions” By S. Hacohen-Gourgy, V.V. Ramasesh, C. De Grandi, I. Siddiqi, and S.M. Girvin, Physical Review Letters 115 240501 (2015)
Older non-circuit-QED publications
“Mott transition in granular aluminum” By N. Bachar, S. Lerer,A. Levy S.Hacohen-Gourgy, B. Almog, H. Saadaoui, Z. Salman, E. Morenzoni,and G. Deutscher, Physical Review B 91 041123(R) (2015)
“Kondo-like behavior near the metal-to-insulator transition of nanoscale granular aluminum” By N. Bachar, S. Lerer, S. Hacohen-Gourgy, B. Almog, and G. Deutscher, Physical Review B 87 214512 (2013)
“Evolution of a bosonic mode across the superconducting dome in the High-Tc cuprate Pr2-xCexCuO4-δ” By I. Diamant, S. Hacohen-Gourgy and Y. Dagan, Physical Review B 84, 104511 (2011)
“Temperature dependence of the tunneling density of states in submicron planar metal-oxide-graphene junctions” by S. Hacohen-Gourgy, I. Diamant, B. Almog, Y. Dubi and G. Deutscher, Applied Physics Letters 99, 172108 (2011)
“Coexistence of a triplet nodal order-paramater and a singlet order-parameter at the interfaces of ferromagnet-superconductor Co/CoO/In junctions” by S. Hacohen-Gourgy, B. Almog and G. Deutscher, Physical Review B 84, 014532 (2011)
“Triplet Order parameter component at Co/CoO/In contacts” by B. Almog, S. Hacohen-Gourgy, A. Tzukernik and G. Deutscher, Physical Review B 84, 054514 (2011)
“Observation of Andreev Saint-James reflections in nano-scale planar superconductor to ferromagnet contacts” by S. Hacohen-Gourgy, B. Almog and G. Deutscher, Appl. Phys. Lett 92, 152502 (2008).
“Current driven transitions in S/I/F narrow stripes” by S. Hacohen-Gourgy, B. Almog, G. Leibovitch, R. G. Mints and G. Deutscher, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 122507 (2009).