Our new dc magnetometer was purchased from Cryogenic. The temperature range is 1.2 to 300 and field up to 6.5T. A furnace installation is on the way. It has two magnet power supplies one for low fields (<200G) where it can work with mG resolution. It also has two channels for measuring magnetization in two different directions.

Instrument scientist: Yuval Lubashevsky.
Our old ac/dc susceptometer is an hybridization of Oxford instrument’s TeslatronH and magnetic probe, and SR850 lock-in amplifier. The ac measurements are done by standard primary and two secondary coils. The dc measurements are performed using a magnetic field up to 8 T, and a motor which moves the sample between the two secondary coils. The system is controlled by a PC under windows NT, and experimental parameter such as, temperature, frequency current etc. can be modified automatically.
Instrument scientist: Yosef Directovich.