Most papers in the field published after 1992 appear on arXiv and on inSpire where older papers also can be found.
Several universities record seminars and other talks. Excellent collection can be found on the servers of the IAS, Perimeter Institute, Simons Center, Rutgers, UCSB (KITP). Zoom seminar series: QFT and Geometry, Western hemisphere colloquium on geometry and physics,
For students wanting to enter the field the following is the required knowledge one needs to get a quick but thorough handle of. QFT at the level of Weinberg I and II. Supersymmetry at the level of P. Argyres notes, Notes of Yuji Tachikawa on N=1 supersymmetry and on N=2 supersymmetry. General relativity at the level of the book of Wald . String theory at the level of J. Polchinski book I and II. All this material can be found in a free book by W. Siegel. (Read the introduction).