E-mail: zak@physics.technion.ac.il
Telephone: 972-4-829-3781
Fax: 972-4-829-5755
Department of Physics,
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa, 32000 Israel
Born 1929 Wilno, Poland. Nationality – Israel
D.Sc Technion 1960. Advisors Nathan Rosen; Giulio Racah.
D.Sc Students: A. Rabinovitch, D. Litvin, J. Avron, A. Micelson, I. Dana
Known for: Magnetic Translation Group, Zak Transform, Zak Phase, Brown-Zak Fermions, Zak Space.
Administrative position: Head, Solid State Institute 1970-1973.
Fellowship and awards: Fellowship of the Royal Society, London 1967;
New England Academic Award 1967;
Notable Wigner Medal 2014.