Frustrated quantum magnets
In most magnetic materials interactions between localized magnetic moments, or spins, give rise to some form of magnetic ordering as the system is cooled down close to zero temperature. However, in some cases, competing interactions are present, resulting in frustration which can prevent the system from ordering.…
Topological superconductivity and quantum computation
Topological superconductors are novel phases of matter, that are not only exciting from the purely scientific point of view, but could also pave the way to a fault-tolerant quantum computation. These states are known to host exotic low-energy excitations termed Majorana zero modes, which are inherently non-local,…
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Entanglement dynamics in many-body systems
An important aspect of quantum many-body systems, which distinguishes them from classical ones, and allows for their unique character and behavior, is the quantum entanglement. Hence, to understand these systems we need to understand their entanglement structure. Furthermore, in numerical simulations of many-body systems, quantum entanglement is…