- Deep Physics Concepts Made Simple, an event at ETH, April 29, 2023.
- Correlations and Transport in Strongly Interacting Phases of Condensed Matter, at College de France, February 2023
- The Hall Effect: What Moves in a Metal or a Superconductor?
- The Higgs Mode and Quantum Criticality in Condensed Matter
- Computing Low Energy Effective Hamiltonians of Hubbard and Heisenberg Models in Two Dimensions by Contractor Renormalization
- Kubo Formulas for Strongly Correlated Hamiltonians (A Pedagogical Blackboard Tutorial)
- Tutorial on Kubo formulas in Hyperspace at KITP, 8/2021
- The Hall effect: what moves in a current? Colloquium at Technion, 25/1/2021
- how superconductors work and the mystery of quantum levitation
מנפלאות המדע: מוליכות-על וריחוף קוונטי - High Tc Cuprates: puzzling phenomena
- Microscopic Models
- Deriving the Boson-Fermion Model From the Hubbard Model Using Contractor Renormalization
- KITP Seminar, Transport Theory of Lattice Bosons, 9/2010
- Graduate Course Lectures on Quantum Magnetism and Superfluidity, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, CA Oct 2012
- KITP Seminar, Recent CORE Results on the Kagome, 9/2012