A chronological list of graduate students who did experiments on various properties of this Quantum Solid includes Vladimir Gridin, Yigal Chertkov, Yuval Finkelshtein, Israel Shuster, Tuvy Markovitz, Inon Berent, Meni Shay, Oshri Peleg, Lior Embon, Anna Eyal, Ethan Livne, Ori Scaly and Almog Danzig.

The results of these individual research projects have all been published. In addition to the pure scientific content, sometimes we did experiments which had a graphic facet which could be shown to a general audience. This is a good way to illustrate how unusual are quantum solids at low temperatures. Here I show a picture of solid Helium inside a cell at a temperature near 1K. What we saw was that as this solid was cooled, liquid bubbles suddenly appeared inside the solid. In fact, the solid started to boil just like water in a kettle (Tuvy Markovich, MSc Thesis). Even stranger, the boiling begins when the solid is cooled, not heated like in the case of water. This is one of the tricks a quantum solid can do which a usual solid cannot.
Another nice project of this sort was that of Israel Schuster, who built a miniature cold MRI apparatus to look at the spatial diffusion of 3He atoms (with spin ½) inside the (nonmagnetic) solid 4He