For the most up-to-date list of our preprints, please search for us on the arXiv.
Preprints Until 2014
- C. Avinadav, R. Fischer, P. London, D. Gershoni, “Time-Optimal Universal Control of Two-Level Systems under Strong Driving”, arXiv:1402.4234v1 [quant-ph].
- Y. Benny, R. Presman, Y. Kodriano, E. Poem, T. A. Truong, P. M. Petroff and D. Gershoni, “Electron-Hole Spin Flip-Flop in Semiconductor Quantum Dots”, arXiv:1311.3615v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
- Ran Fischer, Christian O. Bretschneider, Paz London, Dmitry Budker, David Gershoni, and Lucio Frydman, “Bulk Nuclear Polarization Enhanced at Room-Temperature by Optical Pumping”, arXiv:1211.5801v1 [quant-ph].
- Y. Benny, Y. Kodriano, E. Poem, T. A. Truong, P. M. Petroff and D. Gershoni, “Excitation Spectroscopy of Single Quantum Dots at Tunable Positive, Neutral and Negative Charge States”, arXiv:1207.5630v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
- Y. Kodriano, I. Schwartz, E. Poem, Y. Benny, R. Presman, T. A. Truong, P. M. Petroff and D. Gershoni, “Complete Control of a Matter Qubit Using a Single Picosecond Laser Pulse”, arXiv:1204.0932v1 [quant-ph].
- E. Poem, O. Kenneth, Y. Kodriano, Y. Benny, S. Khatsevich, J. E. Avron, D. Gershoni, “Optically Induced Rotation of a Quantum Dot Exciton Spin”, arXiv:1107.4783v1 [quant-ph].
- Y. Benny, Y. Kodriano, E. Poem, S. Khatsevich, P. M. Petroff and D. Gershoni, “Two-Photon- Photoluminescence Excitation Spectroscopy of Single Quantum-Dots”, arXiv:1105.4861v1 [quant-ph].
- Y. Benny, S. Khatsevich, Y. Kodriano, E. Poem, R. Presman, D. Galushko, P. M. Petroff and D. Gershoni, “Coherent Optical Writing and Reading of the Exciton Spin State in Single Quantum Dots”, arXiv:1009.5463v1 [quant-ph].
- Y. Kodriano, E. Poem, N. H. Lindner, C. Tradonsky, B. D. Gerardot, P. M. Petroff, J. E. Avron, D. Gershoni, “Radiative Cascade from Quantum Dot Metastable Spin-Blockaded Biexciton”, arXiv:1007.0124v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
- E. Poem, Y. Kodriano, C. Tradonsky, B.D. Gerardot, P. M. Petroff, D. Gershoni, “Radiative Cascades in Charged Quantum Dots”, arXiv:0910.2109v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
- E. Poem, S. Khatsevich, Y. Benny, I. Marderfeld, A. Badolato, P. M. Petroff, D. Gershoni, “Polarization memory in single Quantum Dots”, arXiv:0902.4322v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
- Y. Kodriano, D. Gershoni, B. Shapiro, M.E. Raikh, J.P. Reithmaier, S. Reitzenstein, A. Löffler, A. Forchel, “Spontaneously Localized Photonic Modes Due to Disorder in the Dielectric Constant”, arXiv:0801.0113 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
- J. E. Avron, G. Bisker, D. Gershoni, N. H. Linder, E. A. Meirom, R. J. Warburton, “Entanglement on Demand Through Time Reordering”, arXiv:0710.2308v1 [quant-ph].
- E. A. Meirom, N. H. Lindner, Y. Berlatzky, E. Poem, N. Akopian, J. E. Avron, D. Gershoni, “Distilling Entanglement from Cascades with Partial “Which Path” Ambiguity”, arXiv:0707.1511v1 [quant-ph].
- E. Poem, J. Shemesh, I. Marderfeld, D. Galushko, N. Akopian, D. Gershoni, B. D. Gerardot, A. Badolato, P. M. Petroff, “Polarization sensitive spectroscopy of charged Quantum Dots”, arXiv:0706.1288v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
- N. H. Lindner, J. Avron, N. Akopian, and D. Gershoni, “A comment on A Semiconductor Source of Entangled Photons”, arXiv:quant-ph/0601200v1.
- N. Akopian, N. H. Lindner, E. Poem, Y. Berlatzky, J. Avron, D. Gershoni, B. D. Gerardot, P. M. Petroff, “Entangled Photons from Radiative Cascades in Semiconductor Quantum Dots”, arXiv:quant-ph/0512048v2
- G. Ramon, U. Mizrahi, N. Akopian, S. Braitbart, D. Gershoni, T. L. Reinecke, B. Gerardot, P. M. Petroff, “Emission Characteristics of Quantum Dots in Planarmicrocavities”, arXiv:cond-mat/0511350v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- M.E. Ware, E.A. Stinaff, D. Gammon, M.F. Doty, A.S. Bracker, D. Gershoni, V.L. Korenev, S.C. Badescu, Y.Lyanda-Geller, T.L. Reinecke “Polarized Fine Structure in the Excitation Spectrum of a Negatively Charged Quantum Dot” arXiv:cond-mat/0506624v1 [cond-mat.other].
- A. S. Bracker, E. A. Stinaff, D. Gammon, M. E. Ware, J. G. Tischler, A. Shabaev, Al. L. Efros, D. Park, D. Gershoni, V. L. Korenev, I. A. Merkulov “Optical Pumping of Electronic and Nuclear Spin in Single Charge-Tunable Quantum Dots”, arXiv:cond-mat/0408466v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
- T. Raz, D. Ritter, G. Bahir, D. Gershoni, “Ultrasmall In(Ga)As Quantum Dots Grown on Strained GaxIn1-xP Layers”, arXiv:cond-mat/0210594v1.
- D.V. Regelman, U. Mizrahi, D. Gershoni, E. Ehrenfreund, W.V. Schoenfeld and P.M. Petroff, “Semiconductor Quantum Dot: A Quantum Light Source of Multicolor Photons with Tunable Statistics”, arXiv:cond-mat/0107520v1 [cond-mat.str-el].
- D.V. Regelman, E. Dekel, D. Gershoni, E. Ehrenfreund, A.J.Williamson, J. Shumway, A. Zunger, W.V. Schoenfeld and P.M. Petroff, “Optical Spectroscopy of Single Quantum Dots at Tunable Positive, Neutral and Negative Charge States”, arXiv:cond-mat/0105589v2.
- D.V. Regelman, E. Dekel, D. Gershoni, E. Ehrenfreund, W.V. Schoenfeld and P.M. Petroff, “Spectroscopy of Single Semiconductor Quantum Dot at Negative and Positive Discrete Charge States”, arXiv:cond-mat/0104142v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
- E. Dekel, D. V. Regelman, D. Gershoni, E. Ehrenfreund, W. V. Schoenfeld, P. M. Petroff, “Radiative Lifetimes of Single Excitons in Semiconductor Quantum Dots – Manifestation of the Spatial Coherence Effect”, arXiv:cond-mat/0011166v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
- E. Dekel, D. Gershoni, E. Ehrenfreund, J.M. Garcia and P.M.Petroff, “Carrier-Carrier Correlations in an Optically Excited Single Semiconductor Quantum Dot”, arXiv:cond-mat/9904334v2 [cond-mat.str-el].
- E. Dekel, D. Gershoni, E. Ehrenfreund, D. Spektor J.M. Garcia, P.M. Petroff, “Multi-Exciton Spectroscopy of a Single Self Assembled Quantum Dot”, arXiv:cond-mat/9803275v1 [cond-mat.str-el].