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See full list of publication on my Google Scholar profile
Hydra Morphogenesis
Yonit Maroudas-Sacks, S Suganthan, Liora Garion, Yael Ascoli-Abbina, Ariel Westfried, Noam Dori, Iris Pasvinter, Marko Popović, Kinneret Keren, Mechanical strain focusing at topological defect sites in regenerating Hydra, Development (2025).

Yonit Maroudas-Sacks, Liora Garion, S Suganthan, Marko Popović, Kinneret Keren, Confinement modulates axial patterning in regenerating Hydra, PRX Life (2024).

Lital Shani-Zerbib, Liora Garion, Yonit Maroudas-Sacks, Erez Braun, Kinneret Keren, Canalized Morphogenesis Driven by Inherited Tissue Asymmetries in Hydra Regeneration, Genes (2022).

Anton Livshits, Liora Garion, Yonit Maroudas-Sacks, Lital Shani-Zerbib, Kinneret Keren, Erez Braun, Plasticity of body axis polarity in Hydra regeneration under constraints, Scientific Reports (2022).

Yonit Maroudas-Sacks, Liora Garion, Lital Shani-Zerbib, Anton Livshits, Erez Braun, Kinneret Keren, Topological defects in the nematic order of actin fibers as organization centers of Hydra morphogenesis, Nature Physics (2020).

Erez Braun and Kinneret Keren, Hydra regeneration: Closing the loop with mechanical processes in morphogenesis, Bioessays (2018).

Anton Livshits*, Lital Shani-Zerbib*, Yonit Maroudas-Sacks, Erez Braun, Kinneret Keren, Structural inheritance of the actin cytoskeletal organization determines the body axis in regenerating Hydra, Cell Reports 18(6), 1410-1421 (2017).

Reconstituted Actomyosin Networks
Niv Ierushalmi, Maya Malik-Garbi, Angelika Manhart, Enas Abu-Shah, Bruce L. Goode, Alex Mogilner and Kinneret Keren, Centering and symmetry breaking in confined contracting actomyosin networks, eLife 9:e55368 (2020).

Maya Malik-Garbi, Niv Ierushalmi, Silvia Jansen, Enas Abu-Shah, Bruce L. Goode, Alex Mogilner and Kinneret Keren, Scaling behavior in steady-state contracting actomyosin network flow, Nature Physics 15, 509–516 (2019).

Tzer Han Tan*, Maya Malik-Garbi*, Enas Abu-Shah*, Junang Li, Abhinav Sharma, Fred C. MacKintosh, Kinneret Keren, Christoph F. Schmidt, Nikta Fakhri, Self-organization of stress patterns drives dynamic phase transitions in actin cortices, Science Advances (2018).

Enas Abu Shah, Maya Malik-Garbi and Kinneret Keren, Reconstitution of cortical actin networks within water-in-oil emulsions, an invited chapter in Methods in Cell Biology: Building a cell from its component parts. Editors: Jennifer Ross & Wallace Marshall, Elsevier (2015).

Enas Abu Shah and Kinneret Keren, Symmetry breaking in reconstituted actin cortices, eLife 3:e01433 (2014).

Actin-Based Cell Motility
Kinneret Keren, Tom Shemesh, Buckle up: Membrane tension drives lamellipodial network compression and adhesion deposition, Spotlight paper in Journal of Cell Biology, jcb.201706111; DOI: The Journal of Cell Biology, 216 (9) 2619-2621 (2017). DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201706111
Dikla Raz-Ben Aroush*, Noa Ofer*, Enas Abu-Shah, Jun Allard, Oleg Krichevsky, Alex Mogilner, Kinneret Keren, Actin turnover in lamellipodial fragments, Current Biology 27, 2963–2973 (2017) DOI:
Jan Mueller, Gregory Szep, Maria Nemethova, Ingrid de Vries, Arnon D. Lieber, Christoph Winkler, Karsten Kruse, J. Victor Small, Christian Schmeiser, Kinneret Keren, Robert Hauschild, and Michael Sixt, Load Adaptation of Lamellipodial Actin Networks, Cell171(1), 188-200.e16 (2017). DOI:

Arnon D Lieber, Yonatan Schweitzer, Michael M Kozlovand Kinneret Keren, Front-to-rear membrane tension gradient in rapidly moving cells, Biophysical Journal108(7) 1599-603 (2015). DOI:

Dikla Raz-Ben Aroush, Shlomit Yehudai-Resheff and Kinneret Keren, Electrofusion of giant unilamellar vesicles to cells, an invited chapter in Methods in Cell Biology: Biophysical Methods in Cell Biology. Editor: Ewa Paluch, Elsevier (2014). DOI:

Noa Ofer, Enas Abu Shah and Kinneret Keren, Differential mapping of the free barbed and pointed ends of actin filaments in cells, Cytoskeleton 71 (6), 341–350 (2014). DOI:

Yonatan Schweitzer, Arnon D Lieber, Kinneret Keren, Michael M Kozlov, Theoretical analysis of membrane tension in moving cells, Biophysical Journal 106(1) 84-92 (2014). DOI:

Arnon D. Lieber, Shlomit Yehudai-Resheff, Erin L. Barnhart, Julie A. Theriot and Kinneret Keren, Membrane tension in rapidly moving cells is determined by cytoskeletal forces, Current Biology 23(15) 1409-1417 (2013). DOI:

Inbar Seroussi, Danny Veikherman, Noa Ofer, Shlomit Yehudai-Resheff and Kinneret Keren, Segmentation and tracking of live cells in phase-contrast images using directional gradient vector flow for snakes, Journal of Microscopy247 (2), 137-146 (2012). DOI:

Erin L. Barnhart, Kun-Chun Lee, Kinneret Keren, Alex Mogilner, and Julie A. Theriot, An adhesion-dependent switch between mechanisms that determine motile cell shape, PLOS Biology 9(5), e1001059 (2011). DOI:

Kinneret Keren, Cell motility: The integrating role of the plasma membrane. Invited review in European Biophysical Journal 40(9), 1013-1027 (2011). DOI:

Noa Ofer, Alex Mogilner and Kinneret Keren, Actin ‘disassembly clock’ determines shape and speed of lamellipodial fragments, PNAS 108 (51), 20394-99 (2011). DOI:

Cyrus A. Wilson, Mark A. Tsuchida, Greg M. Allen, Erin L. Barnhart, Kathryn T. Applegate, Patricia T. Yam, Lin Ji, Kinneret Keren, Gaudenz Danuser and Julie A. Theriot, Myosin II contributes to cell-scale actin network treadmilling via network disassembly, Nature 465 (7296):373-7 (2010). DOI:

Alex Mogilner and Kinneret Keren, The shape of motile cells. Invited review in Current Biology 19, R762–R771(2009). DOI:

Kinneret Keren, Patricia T. Yam, Anika Kinkahabwala, Alex Mogilner and Julie A. Theriot, Intracellular fluid flow in rapidly moving cells, Nature Cell Biology, 11, 1219-1224 (2009). DOI:

Kinneret Keren*, Zach Pincus*, Greg M. Allen, Erin L. Barnhart, Gerard Marriott, Alex Mogilner and Julie A. Theriot, Mechanism of shape determination in motile cells, Nature 453 (7194):475-80 (2008). DOI:

Yonit Maroudas-Sacks and Kinneret Keren, Mechanical patterning in animal morphogenesis, Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology (2021).

Yonit Maroudas-Sacks and Kinneret Keren, Section in Roadmap for the Multiscale Coupling of Biochemical and Mechanical Signals During Development, Physical biology (2021).

Yonit Maroudas-Sacks and Kinneret Keren, Mechanical Patterning in Animal Morphogenesis, Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 37 (2021).

Niv Ierushalmi and Kinneret Keren, Cytoskeletal symmetry breaking in animal cells, Current Opinion in Cell Biology 72, 91-99 (2021).

Niv Ierushalmi and Kinneret Keren, Cellular Organization: Bulk Actin Network Flows Drive Ooplasm Segregation, Current Biology (2019).