- E Ribak and E Gazit: Simple non-polarizing high-frequency modulator for interferometry. Journal of Physics E 14, 804 (1981). copy (PDF, 906 KB).
- E Ribak and S G Lipson: Complex spatial coherence function: its measurement by means of a phase-modulated shearing interferometer. Applied Optics 20, 1102 (1981). copy (PDF, 692 KB).
- K Weiser, E Ribak, A Klein, and A Ainhorn: Recombination of photocarriers in lead-tin-telluride. Infrared Physics 21, 149 (1981).
- E Ribak and E Leibowitz: Shearing Stellar interferometer: 1. Digital data analysis scheme. Applied Optics 24, 3088 (1985).copy (PDF, 2 parts, 1.2 MB)
- E Ribak, E Leibowitz, and E K Hege: Shearing Stellar interferometer: 2. Opto- electronic phase-locked system. Applied Optics 24, 3094 (1985). copy (PDF, 2 parts, 1.2 MB)
- J C Christou, E K Hege, J D Freeman, and E Ribak: A self-calibrating shift-and-add technique for speckle imaging. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 3, 204 (1986). copy (PDF, 2.2 MB)
- J C Christou, E Ribak, E K Hege, and J D Freeman: Images from astronomical speckle data: weighted shift-and-add analysis. Optical Engineering 25, 724 (1986).
- E Ribak: Astronomical imaging by filtered, weighted shift-and-add technique. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 3, 2069 (1986). copy (PDF, 903 KB)
- E Ribak: Phase closure with a rotational shear interferometer. Applied Optics 26, 196 (1987). copy (PDF)
- E Ribak, C Roddier, F Roddier, and J B Breckinridge: Signal to noise limitations in white-light holography. Applied Optics 27, 1183 (1988). copy (PDF)
- E N Ribak, J Adler, and S. G. Lipson: Telescope phasing and ground states of solid-on-solid models. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 23, L809 (1990). copy (PDF)
- Y Hoffman and E N Ribak: Constrained realizations of Gaussian fields: a simple algorithm. Astrophysical Journal Letters 380, L5 (1991). copy (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Y Hoffman and E N Ribak: Primordial gaussian perturbation fields: constrained realizations. Astrophysical Journal 384, 448 (1992). copy (PDF)
- S Kostianowski, S G Lipson, and E N Ribak: Interference microscopy and Fourier fringe analysis applied to measuring spatial refractive index distribution. Applied Optics 32, 4744 (1993). copy (PDF)
- C Schwartz, E N Ribak, and G. Baum: Turbulence degraded wave fronts as fractal surfaces. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 11, 444 (1994). copy (PDF, 948 KB)
- C Schwartz, E N Ribak, and S G Lipson: Bimorph adaptive mirrors and curvature sensing. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 11, 895 (1994). copy (PDF, 844 KB)
- Y Baharav, E N Ribak, and J Shamir: Atmospheric tomography using a fringe pattern in the sodium layer. Optics Letters 19, 242 (1994). copy (PDF, 456 KB)
- E N Ribak and F Rigaut: Asteroids as reference stars for high resolution astronomy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 289, L47 (1994). copy (PDF, 708 KB)
- Y Baharav, E N Ribak, and J Shamir: Wide field analysis of turbulence layers using fringes in the mesosphere. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 13, 1083 (1996). copy (PDF)
- E N Ribak, E Gershnik, and M Cheselka: Stellar scintillations as a remote atmospheric wave-front sensor. Optics Letters 21, 435 (1996). copy (PDF, 494 KB)
- E Gershnik and E N Ribak: Light propagation through multilayer atmospheric turbulence. Optics Communications 142, 99-105 (1997). copy (PDF, 471 KB)
- O Nesher and E N Ribak: Retrieval of critical current distribution in small Josephson junctions. Applied Physics Letters 71, 1249 (1997). copy (PDF, 548 KB)
- E N Ribak and S Ebstein: A fast modal wave-front sensor.Optics Express 9, 152-7 (2001). copy (PDF)
- E N Ribak: Harnessing caustics for wave front sensing.Optics Letters 26, 1834-6 (2001). draft (PDF), and a great demo.
- E N Ribak, R Ragazzoni, V A Parfenov: Radio plasma fringes as guide stars: tracking the global tilt, Astronomy and Astrophysics 410, 365-73 (2003). draft (PDF)
- Y Carmon and E N Ribak: Phase retrieval by demodulation of a Hartmann-Shack sensor, Optics Communications 215, 285 – 288 (2003). draft (PDF, 127 KB)
- E Ribak, Separating Atmospheric Layers in Adaptive Optics, Optics Letters 28, 613-5 (2003). draft (PDF, 284 KB)
- E N Ribak and R Ragazzoni: Reduction of laser spot elongation in adaptive optics, Optics Letters 29 1351-3 (2004). draft (PDF, 410 KB)
- A Talmi and E N Ribak: Direct demodulation of Hartmann-Shack patterns, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 21, 632-9 (2004). draft (PDF), sample Matlab Programme (5 KB).
- Y Carmon and E N Ribak: Fast Fourier demodulation, Applied Physics Letters 84, 4656-7 (2004). draft (PDF, 37 KB)
- N Zon, O Srour, and E N Ribak: Hartmann-Shack analysis errors. Optics Express 14, 635-643 (2006).
- A Talmi and E N Ribak: Wavefront reconstruction from its gradients. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 23, 288-97 (2006). draft (PDF, 738 KB) and sample programmes (10 KB).
- S Vinikman-Pinhasi and E N Ribak: Piezoelectric and piezooptic effects in porous silicon, Applied Physics Letters 88, 111905-6 (2006). draft
- S Zommer, E N Ribak, S G Lipson, and J Adler: Simulated annealing in ocular adaptive optics, Optics Letters 31, 939-41 (2006). draft
- A Ofir and E N Ribak: Off-Line, Multi-Detector Intensity Interferometers I: Theory, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 368, 1646-51 (2006). draft
- A Ofir and E N Ribak: Off-Line, Multi-Detector Intensity Interferometers II: Implications and Applications, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 368, 1652-6 (2006). draft
- Y Zabar, E N Ribak and S G Lipson: Measurement of the spatial response of a detector pixel, Micron 38, 176-9 (2007). draft (PDF, 147 KB)
- O Glazer, E N Ribak and L Mirkin: Adaptive optics implementation with a Fourier reconstructor, Applied Optics 46, 574-80 (2007). draft (PDF, 646 KB)
- C Canovas and E N Ribak: Comparison of Hartmann analysis methods, Applied Optics 46, 1830-5(2007). draft
- Y Benny, S Manzanera, P M Prieto, E N Ribak and P Artal: Wide-angle chromatic aberration corrector for the human eye, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 24, 1538-44 (2007) draft
- E N Ribak, M Gai, D Loreggia and S G Lipson: A simple beam combination for stellar interferometry, Optics Letters 32, 1075-7 (2007) draft, movies
- V Albanis, E N Ribak, and Y Carmon: Reduction of speckles in retinal reflection, Applied Physics Letters 91,054104 (2007). draft, retina movie (frequency scan, 1.5MB), cornea movie (2MB), [you might have to first Save, then Run these AVI movies]
- A Stup, E M Cimet, E N Ribak and V Albanis: Acousto-Optic Wave Front Sensing and Reconstruction, Applied Optics 48, A1-A4 (2008). draft
- E N Ribak and S Gladysz: Fainter and closer: finding planets by symmetry breaking, Optics Express 16, 15553-62 (2008). draft, lab movie (1.3 MB)
- Y Carmon and E N Ribak: Centroid distortion of a wavefront with varying amplitude due to asymmetry in lens diffraction, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 26, 85-90 (2009). draft
- A Labin and E N Ribak: Retinal Glial cells enhance human vision acuity, Physical Review Letters 104, 158102 (2010). draft, (see retina web page for explanations, movies)
- A Talmi and E N Ribak: Compression of periodic images for faster phase retrieval, Applied Optics 49, 6116-26 (2010). draft
- A M Labin and E N Ribak: How the Inverted Retina Enhances Vision Acuity, Optics & Photonics News 21, 25-25 (2010) draft
- E N Ribak and A M Labin: Light propagation explains our inverted retina, SPIE Newsroom DOI: 10.1117/2.1201009.003189 (2010) draft
- N Meitav and E N Ribak: Improving retinal image resolution with iterative weighted shift-and-add, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 28, 1395-402 (2011). draft
- N Meitav and E N Ribak: Measuring the ordering of closely packed particles, Applied Physics Letters 99, 221910-3 (2011). draft
- N Meitav and E N Ribak: Estimation of the ocular point spread function by retina modeling, Optics Letters 37, 1466-8 (2012). draft
- E Schwartz, S G. Lipson and E N Ribak: Enhanced interferometric identification of spectra in habitable extra-solar planets, Astronomical Journal 144, 71 (2012). draft
- N Meitav, E N Ribak and A V Goncharov: Improving retinal imaging by corneal refractive index matching, Optics Letters 38, 745-7 (2013). draft
- G Molodij, E N Ribak, M Glanc and G Chenegros: Enhancing retinal images by extracting structural information, Optics Communications 313, 321-8 (2013). draft
- A M Labin, S K Safuri, E N Ribak and I Perlman: Mueller cells separate between wavelengths to improve day vision with minimal effect upon night vision, Nature Communications 5, 4319 (2014). draft
- A M Labin and E N Ribak: Color sorting by retinal waveguides,Optics Express 22, 32208-13 (2014). draft
- G Molodij, E N Ribak, M Glanc and G Chenegros: Enhancing retinal images by nonlinear registration, Optics Communications 342, 157-66 (2015). draft
- I Paykin, L Yacobi, J Adler, and E N Ribak: Phasing a segmented telescope Physics Review E 91, 023302 (2015) draft
- E N Ribak and Y Shulami: Compression of intensity interferometry signals, Experimental Astronomy 41, 145-157 (2016) draft
- N Meitav, E N Ribak and S Shoham: Point spread function estimation from projected speckle illumination, Light: Science& Applications 5, e16048 (2016) draft
- E Schwartz, S G. Lipson and E N Ribak: Improving identification of weak spectral lines in the presence of a strong continuum, Astrophysics and Space Science 361, 166 (2016) draft
- A N Kellerer and E N Ribak: Beyond the diffraction limit via optical amplification, Optics Letters 41, 3181-4 (2016). draft
- G Shoulga and E N Ribak: Towards spectral intensity interferometry, Applied Optics 56, A23-30 (2017). draft
- E Schwartz and E N Ribak: Enhanced sampling of 2D interference patterns, Applied Optics 56, 1977-81 (2017). draft
- N. Goulinski and E N Ribak: Capture of free-floating planets by planetary systems, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 1589-95 (2018). draft Sky at Night coverage
- G Gumpel and E N Ribak: Optical amplification for astronomical imaging at higher resolution, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Astrophotonics feature issue 38, A21-6 (2021). draft
- J Adler and E N Ribak: Simulated annealing in application to telescope phasing, Physica A 572, 125900 (2021) draft
- B M Levine, M Kaplun and E N Ribak: An asymmetric Sparse Telescope, Optics Continuum 1, 1603-12 (2022). Draft, Segment Scan Movie
Invited Reviews, Chapters in Books, and Reports
- J B Breckinridge, E Ribak, C Roddier, F Roddier, and C Habecker: Real time optical correlation using white light Fourier transforms. Final Report of the Technical Work, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (1988).
- H S Orbach, D J Felleman, E N Ribak, and D C Van Essen: Visualization of cortical connections with voltage sensitive dyes, in Analysis and modelling of neural systems, Ed. F H Eeckman, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1990).
- A Ben-Shalom, A D Devir, E Ribak, E T Talmore, L S Balfour, and N Brandman: Different aspects of backgrounds in various spectral bands, SPIE conference on Characterization, propagation, and simulation of sources and backgrounds, SPIE 1468, 238 (1991).
- E Ribak: Laser guide stars and adaptive optics. Spectrum (in Hebrew), November 1992.
- E Ribak: Deformable Mirrors, in NATO Advanced Study Institute summer school on Adaptive Optics for Astronomy, Cargese, Corsica. NATO Advanced Study Series C 423, 149, Eds. J-M Mariotti and D Alloin, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1993). Breakfast with D Fried.
- E Ribak: Piezoelectrically bendable mirrors for spatial modulation of light, Report to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (1993).
- E Ribak: Atmospheric turbulence, speckles, and adaptive optics, in Nonlinear signal and image analysis, Eds H E Kandrup and J R Buchler, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 808, 193 (1997).
- G D Love, E Ribak, S G Lipson, I Moshe, Tutorial workshop on adaptive optics , May 1999.
- E Ribak: Radio heating of the ionosphere for adaptive optics and radio astronomy. Plenary talk, in URSI Israel meeting, Haifa (1998).
- E Ribak: Wide field of view adaptive optics, in Adaptive Optics Engineering Handbook, Ed R K Tyson, Marcel Dekker (2000). Draft (PDF, 1.3MB).
- E Ribak: Adaptive optics for communications, in URSI Israel meeting, Tel Aviv (2000).
- E Ribak: Measuring turbulence in an extended field of view, in Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems VI, Eds A Kohnle, and J D Gonglewski, Barcelona, EUROPTO-SPIE 4167-18 (2000). draft (PDF, 168KB)
- E Ribak: Optical Instruments, Imaging Optics, Aegean summer school in vision optics, Chalkidiki, Greece (2002).
- E Ribak: Geometrical Optics, Imaging Optics, Aegean summer school in vision optics, Santorini, Greece (2003).
- E Ribak: Fundamental limits on wave front sensing, SHARP-EYE summer school on vision optics, Murcia, Spain (2004).
- E Ribak: Adaptive optics and its application to retinal imaging, International Meeting Hi-Tech technologies: Electro-optics, Tel Aviv (2004).
- E Ribak: From astronomy to vision: image sharpening in the sky and in the eye, Shomu-Samaim series on space and astronomy, the Hebrew Univesity, Jerusalem (2006).
- E Ribak: Imaging planets in other solar systems, OASIS 2, or The 12th Meeting on Optical Engineering and Science in Israel, Tel Aviv (2009).
- E Ribak: Microscopy and adaptive optics, for astronomical and ocular imaging, Super and High Resolution Conference, Lipica, Slovenia (2009).
- E Ribak: Light-tissue interaction in the retina, European Optical Society 5th European Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics, Stockholm (2010).
- E Ribak, N Meitav: Improving Retinal Resolution by Simple Data Collection and Analysis, OASIS 4, or The 14th Meeting on Optical Engineering and Science in Israel, Tel Aviv (2013).
- E Ribak, A M Labin, S K Safuri and I Perlman, How the retina sorts colours into cones and rods, Visual and Physiological Optics, Wroclaw (2014).
- E N Ribak, Quantum super-resolution and spectral intensity interferometry, High Time Resolution Astrophysics, Marostica, Italy, November 27-28 (2017).
- E Ribak: A shearing, modulating interferometer. ESO conference on High Resolution Interferometry, Munich, 101-4 (1981).
- A Ben-Shalom, A D Devir, S G Lipson, U P Oppenheim and E Ribak: Absorption of Infrared Radiation by Atmospheric Water Vapor in the Region 4.3-5.5 and 8-13 micron, Proc. of the Third Intrn. Conf. on Infrared Physics, Zurich (1984).
- E Ribak, E K Hege and J C Christou: Identification of speckles by matched filtering. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 16, 885 (1985).
- A Ben-Shalom, A D Devir, S G Lipson, U P Oppenheim and E Ribak: Absorption of infrared radiation by atmospheric vapor in the region 4.3-5.5 and 8-13 micron. OSA second topical meeting on Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Incline Village, Nevada (1985).
- E Ribak, E K Hege, and J C Christou: Use of matched filtering to identify speckle locations. SPIE international conference on Speckle, SPIE 556, 196-201 (1985).
- J C Christou, E K Hege, J D Freeman, and E Ribak: Images from astronomical speckle data: weighted shift-and-add analysis. SPIE international conference on Speckle, SPIE 556, 255-62 (1985).
- J D Freeman, E Ribak, J C Christou, and E K Hege: Statistical analysis of the weighted shift-and-add reconstruction method. SPIE international conference on Speckle, SPIE 556, 279-83 (1985).
- E Ribak, E Leibowitz and E K Hege: Real-time fringe contrast measurement in stellar interferometry. SPIE conference on Real Time Signal Processing (VIII), SPIE 564, 201-6 (1986).
- A D Devir, A Ben-Shalom, S G Lipson, U P Oppenheim and E Ribak: Long Path Atmospheric Transmittance Measurements: Technique, Instrumentation and Result, Int. Conf. on Optical and Millimeter Wave Propagation and Scattering in the Atmosphere, Proc. 235-45. Florence, Italy (1986).
- E Ribak: Filtered, weighted, shift-and-add: theory and practice. ESO/NOAO workshop on Interferometric Imaging in Astronomy, Oracle, AZ, J W Goad, Ed., 55-8 (1987).
- E Ribak: Phase relations in a rotational shear interferogram. ESO/NOAO workshop on Interferometric Imaging in Astronomy, Oracle, AZ, J W Goad, Ed., 215-8 (1987).
- P Connes, F Roddier, S Shaklan, and E Ribak: Fiber-linked telescope arrays on the ground and in space. ESA workshop on Optical Interferometry in Space, Granada, Spain, ESA SP-273, 73-83 (1987).
- S P Synnott, E Freeland, E Ribak, and E Tubbs: NASA-JPL study on optical imaging interferometry. ESA workshop on Optical Interferometry in Space, Granada, Spain, ESA SP-273, 113-7 (1987).
- J Salzman and E Ribak: Spatial coherence measurements in laser arrays and broad-area configuration lasers. Topical meeting on Semiconductor Lasers, Albuquerque, New Mexico (1987).
- D J Diner, J van Zyl, V wright, E Tubbs, D L Jones, J F Appleby, and E Ribak: Direct imaging of earth-like extra-solar planets in the visible and infra-red. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society (1987).
- A D Devir, A Ben-Shalom, S G Lipson, U P Oppenheim and E Ribak: Long-path atmospheric transmittance measurements: technique, instrumentation, and results. Infrared Technology XIII, SPIE 819-10 (1987).
- E K Hege, E Ribak, and J C Christou: Experience with the match filtered, weighted shift-and-add method. Digital Image Recovery and Synthesis, SPIE 828, 54-61 (1987).
- E Ribak: Phase relations and imaging in pupil plane interferometry. NOAO-ESO Conference on High Resolution Imaging by Interferometry, Proc. ESO 29, 271-80, Munich (1988).
- E Ribak, E B Hochberg, N A Page, S P Synnott, and J B Breckinridge: Beam combination in a multi-telescope, monolithic interferometer. Proc. ESO 29, 1105-16, Munich (1988).
- D L Jones, D J Diner, V G Wright, R P Korechoff, J F Appleby, E N Ribak, E F Tubbs, and J J van Zyl: Imaging with Bracewell Interferometers. Proc ESO 29, 1057-70, Munich (1988).
- E Ribak: Combining beams in a multi-telescope interferometer. OSA Topical Meeting on Space Optics for Astrophysics and earth and planetary remote sensing, North Falmouth, MA (1988).
- D J Diner, E Tubbs, J F Appleby, V G Duval, S L Gaiser, D L Jones, R P Korechoff, E Ribak, and J van Zyl: Comparison of imaging approaches for extrasolar planet detection. OSA Topical Meeting on Space Optics for Astrophysics and earth and planetary remote sensing, North Falmouth, MA (1988).
- D J Diner, J F Appleby, V Duval, S L Gaiser, R P Korechoff, E Ribak, E Tubbs, and J J van Zyl: Extrasolar Planet Imaging and Characterization using Interferometry. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 20, 877 (1988).
- E Ribak: White light image processing by rotational shear interferometry. The Sixth Meeting in Israel on Optical Engineering, SPIE 1038, 46-54 (1989).
- 114. E Ribak, E K Hege, N V Strobel, and J C Christou: Shift-and-Add for astronomical imaging. The Sixth Meeting in Israel on Optical Engineering, SPIE 1038, 405-17 (1989).
- E Ribak: Astronomical imaging by pupil plane interferometry. The Sixth Meeting in Israel on Optical Engineering, SPIE 1038, 418-26 (1989).
- E Ribak, J Adler, and S G Lipson: Telescope phasing and groundstates of solid-on-solid models. Bulletin of the Israel Physical Society 35, 10.14 (1989).
- E Ribak, J Adler, and S G Lipson: Telescope phasing by simulated annealing. SPIE’s 1990 Symposium on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation for the 21st Century, SPIE 1237 (1990).
- E Ribak, S G Lipson, and C Schwartz: Thin mirror adaptation by simulated annealing. ESO Conference on high-resolution imaging by interferometry II, Munich (1991).
- E Ribak, S G Lipson, and C Schwartz: High performance, affordable agile mirror. Air Force workshop on Declassification of Military Technology: Laser Guide Stars, Albuquerque, NM 10-12 March (1992).
- C Schwartz, G Baum, and E Ribak: Fractal character of turbulence-degraded wavefronts. The Eighth Meeting in Israel on Optical Engineering, SPIE 1971, 476, M Oron, I Shladov, Y Weissman, Eds (1992). draft
- E Ribak, C Schwartz, and S G Lipson: Bimorph mirror – theoretical limits and technical Aspects. The Eighth Meeting in Israel on Optical Engineering, SPIE 1971, 468, M Oron, I Shladov, Y Weissman, Eds (1992). draft.
- E Ribak: Optical phasing by simulated annealing. Digest of The Second French-Israeli Workshop on Optical Computing, 29, Tel-Aviv (1992).
- E Ribak, C Schwartz, and S G Lipson: Bimorph adaptive mirrors: construction and theory. ICO-16 Satellite Conference on Active and Adaptive Optics, 313, F. Merkle, Ed., Munich (1993).
- E Ribak, C Schwartz, and G Baum: Fractal wave fronts: simulation and prediction for adaptive optics. ICO-16 Satellite Conference on Active and Adaptive Optics, 205, F. Merkle, Ed., Munich (1993).
- Y Baharav, E Ribak, and J Shamir: Multi-layer wave front sensing using a projected fringe pattern. ICO-16 Satellite Conference on Active and Adaptive Optics, F. Merkle, Ed., Munich (1993).
- C Schwartz, G Baum, E Ribak and S G Lipson: Fractal nature of atmospherically degraded wave fronts – an aid to prediction. Meeting on Adaptive optics in astronomy, SPIE 2201, 180, M A Ealey, F Merkle, Eds, (1994).
- E Ribak, Y Baharav, and J Shamir: Compensated imaging over arcminutes with fringes in the sodium layer. Meeting on Adaptive optics in astronomy, SPIE 2201, 381, M A Ealey, F Merkle, Eds, (1994). draft
- S G Lipson, E Ribak, and C Schwartz: Bimorph deformable mirror design. Meeting on Adaptive optics in astronomy, SPIE 2201, 703, M A Ealey, F Merkle, Eds, (1994).
- E Ribak: Remote wave-front sensing using atmospheric scintillations. The Ninth Meeting on Optical Engineering in Israel, SPIE 2426, 128-33, I Shladov, Ed (1994).
- E N Ribak: Are scintillations indeed noise for wave front sensing? Optical Society of America Meeting on Adaptive Optics in Astronomy, 347, M. Cullum, Ed. Munich. ESO Proceedings 54 (1995).
- E N Ribak: Atmospheric scintillations for measuring remote wave fronts. in Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems, A Kohnle, Ed, SPIE 2580, 166-72 (1995). draft
- E N Ribak: Evidence for scintillation correlation. Adaptive Optics, OSA Technical Digest 13, Maui, Hawaii (1996).
- E Gershnik and E N Ribak: Light propagation through multilayer atmospheric turbulence. The Tenth Meeting on Optical Engineering in Israel, I Shladov, S R Rotman, Eds, SPIE 3110, 34-43 (1997).
- Nesher and E N Ribak: Retrieving the critical current spatial distribution in Josephson Junctions. Bulletin of the Israel Physical Society 43, 59, (1997).
- E Ribak: Tomographic measurement of the atmosphere by artificial plasma fringes. ESO Workshop on Laser Technology for Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics Astronomy, 187-91. N. Hubin, Ed. ESO Proceedings 55 (1997). draft (PDF, 483 KB)
- E Ribak: Alternative guide stars for adaptive optics. Adaptive optical systems technologies, D Bonaccini and R K Tyson, Eds, SPIE 3353, 320-9 (1998). draft
- Nesher, E Gershnik, and E N Ribak: Calculation of critical currents in Josephson Junctions. Bulletin of the Israel Physical Society 44, 55, (1998).
- E N Ribak: Plasma light beacons for astronomical adaptive optics. Bulletin of the Israel Physical Society 44, 160, (1998).
- E N Ribak: Radio created plasma beacons for atmospheric tomography. Atmospheric Propagation, Adaptive Systems, and Lidar Techniques for Remote Sensing II, A D Devir, A Kohnle, Eds, SPIE 3494, 140-5 (1998).
- E N Ribak: Experimental limits on curvature sensing. Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems III, A Kohnle, and J D Gonglewski, Eds, SPIE 3866, 217-21 (1999). draft.
- E N Ribak and S Vinikman: Curvature sensing and intensity transport. The 2nd International workshop on Adaptive Optics for industry and medicine, G D Love, Ed, World Scientific, 254-9 (1999).
- E N Ribak and S Vinikman: Experimentation with curvature sensing. Conference on wavefront sensing and its applications. C Solomon, Ed, Canterbury, UK (1999).
- E N Ribak, R Ragazzoni, and V A Parfenov: Tracking the global tilt using tails of radio guide stars. Adaptive optical system technology, P L Wizinowich, Ed, SPIE 4007, 316-21, (2000). draft (210KB)
- S Vinikman, E N Ribak: High-resolution curvature sensing. High-Resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications II, SPIE 4124-14 (2000).
- E Ribak: “Measuring turbulence in an extended field of view“, in Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems VI, Eds A Kohnle, and J D Gonglewski, Barcelona, EUROPTO-SPIE 4167-18 (2000).
- E N Ribak and S Vinikman, Wave front sensing and intensity transport, Proc. 2nd International Workshop: Adaptive optics for industry and medicine,, Ed: G Love, World Scientific, 254-9 (2000).
- E N Ribak, R Ragazzoni and V A Parfenov: Radio plasma fringes as guide stars: tracking the global tilt, Wave Propagation in the Atmosphere and Adaptive Optics, V P Lukin, Ed, SPIE 4338, 118-26 (2000).
- E N Ribak: Wave Front Sensing at a Variable Pitch, Beyond Conventional Adaptive Optics, R Ragazzoni, Ed, Venice (2001). draft , Poster intro , hexagonal cell
- E N Ribak and R Ragazzoni: Low power laser guide stars and wide field of view, Beyond Conventional Adaptive Optics, R Ragazzoni, Ed, Venice (2001). draft
- Y. Carmon, E. N. Ribak: Reconstructing wave fronts with varying Hartmann arrays, Eds. J R P Angel, R Gilmozzi,SPIE 4840-14 (2002).
- E. N. Ribak, A. Laor, D. Faiman, S. Biryukov, N. Brosch : Converting PETAL, the 25m solar collector, into an astronomical research facility, Ed W S Traub, SPIE 4838-172 (2002). draft
- M. A. Barstow, E N Ribak, et al.: WSO: a world-class observatory for the ultraviolet, Eds J. C. Blades, Oswald H. Siegmund, SPIE 4854-88 (2002).
- Y. Carmon, E. N. Ribak: Spectral methods for wave fronts sensing and reconstruction, CLEO Europe /EQEC, paper CS2-1-2, Munich (2003).
- E N Ribak and R Ragazzoni: Mitigation of spot elongation effects, 2nd Backaskog Workshop on Extremely Large Telescopes, Sweden, 9-11 September (2003). draft
- E N Ribak: Separation of atmospheric layers, 2nd Backaskog Workshop on Extremely Large Telescopes, Sweden, 9-11 September, SPIE 5382, 569 (2003). draft
- E N Ribak, G Perrin, S Lacour: Multiple beam combination for faint objects, SPIE 5491, 1624-9, Ed. W. A. Traub, Glasgow (2004). poster, draft.
- E N Ribak: Interferometry following adaptive optics, SPIE 5491, 1154-9, Ed. W. A. Traub, Glasgow (2004). poster, draft.
- S Zommer, J Adler, S G Lipson, and E N Ribak: Simulated annealing in adaptive optics for the eye retina, Bulletin of the Israel Physical Society 50, 77 (2004). abstract
- Y Zabar, E N Ribak and S G Lipson: Measurement of the spatial response of a detector pixel, International topical conference in applied photonics: Superresoltion and photonics, Ed. L. N. Hazra, Kolkatta, India, 15-16 February (2005)
- E N Ribak, M Gai, D Gardiol, D Loreggia and S G Lipson: Multiple anamorphic beam combination, Proc. ESO-EII Workshop on The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation VLTI Instrumentation, Garching, Germany, 4-8 April 2005, Ed A Richichi, in press (2005). draft
- E N Ribak: Extraterrestrial Search Through Temporal Coherence, Proc. ESO-EII Workshop on The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation VLTI Instrumentation, Garching, Germany, 4-8 April 2005, Ed A Richichi, in press (2005). draft
- M Gai, D Bonino, L Corcione, D Gardiol, M G Lattanzi, D Loreggia, G Massone, S Menardi, E Ribak: Fringe Tracking for future interferometers, JENAM 2005, Liege, Belgium 4-7 July 2005. draft
- E N Ribak: Amplitude interferometry, ASRI workshop on formation flying and applications, Haifa, 5 July 2005.
- W Gaessler, E Diolaiti, G Love, T Butterley, A Goncharov, S Goodsell, S Kellner, T Morris, R Myers, M Owner-Petersen and E Ribak: FP6 ELT Design Study WP 9400: Novel AO Concepts for ELT. Workshop on Instrumentation for Extremely Large Telescopes, Tom Herbst, ed., Ringberg Castle, Bavaria, Germany, 25-29 July 2005.
- E N Ribak: High resolution imaging of the eye in adaptive optics. The First France-Israel Bi-National Workshop on NanoBioPhotonics, ed. M Shani Sekler, December 10-12, 2005, Eilat, Israel.
- E N Ribak: Temporal coherence search for extraterrestrial signals, Bulletin of the Israel Physical Society 51, 16 (2005). abstract
- E N Ribak, M Gai, S G Lipson and P Parahovnik: Beam combination, all with all. SPIE 6268-57, Orlando (2006). draft (1MB).
- E N Ribak: Search for temporal coherence in the sky. SPIE 6268-160, Orlando (2006). draft.
- A Ofir and E N Ribak: Micro-arcsec imaging from the ground with intensity interferometers. SPIE 6268-165, Orlando (2006). draft.
- E N Ribak, Y Carmon, A Talmi, O Glazer, O Srour and N Zon: Full wave front reconstruction in the Fourier domain. SPIE 6272-200, Orlando (2006). draft (800KB).
- E N Ribak: Laser guide star projection for large telescopes. SPIE 6272-201, Orlando (2006). draft.
- V Albanis, Y Benny, Y Carmon and E N Ribak: Ocular Wavefront Sensing using an Acousto-Optic cell as an adjustable Hartmann-Shack sensor. 5th Aegean Summer School in Visual Optics, Rethymnon Crete, Ed. Harilaos Ginis, Institute of Vision and Optics, University of Crete, Heraklion Greece, July 1-6 (2006).
- S Zommer and E N Ribak: Adaptive optics almost without wave front sensing. Mopane (A) 2006 Conference on Visual Optics, Ed. W F Harris, Mopani Camp, Kruger National Park, South Africa, August 5-10 (2006).
- Y Carmon, A Talmi, C Canovas and E N Ribak: Comparative study of Hartmann-Shack reconstruction methods. Mopane (A) 2006 Conference on Visual Optics, Ed. W F. Harris, Mopani Camp, Kruger National Park, South Africa, August 5-10 (2006).
- V Albanis, Y Benny, Y Carmon and E N Ribak: Wavefront sensing using an adjustable Hartmann-Shack sensor. 3rd European Meeting in Physiological Optics, Ed. Luis Diaz-Santana, Department of Optometry and Visual Science, City University, London, United Kingdom, September 7-9 (2006).
- Y Benny, E N Ribak, S Manzanera, P M Prieto and P Artal: Measuring and correcting the LCA of the human eye. 3rd European Meeting in Physiological Optics, Ed. Luis Diaz-Santana, Department of Optometry and Visual Science, City University, London, United Kingdom, September 7-9 (2006).
- Y Benny, S Manzanera, P M Prieto, E N Ribak and P Artal: Diseño y comprobación de un corrector de aberración cromática ocular de campo amplio. Spanish National Meeting on Optics (Reunion Nacional de Optica), Alicante, Spain, September 18-22 (2006).
- E N Ribak, Y Carmon, A Talmi, O Glazer and C Canovas: Hartmann Fourier Analysis for Sensing and Correction. Adaptive Optics: Analysis and Methods, Optical Society of America. Ed. B Ellerbroek, Vancouver, Canada, June 19-20 (2007).
- V Albanis, E N Ribak and Y. Carmon: Speckle reduction in wave-front sensing. Adaptive Optics: Analysis and Methods, Optical Society of America. Ed. B Ellerbroek, Vancouver, Canada, June 19-20 (2007).
- R M Myers, D B Calia, N Devaney, S Esposito, S J Goodsell, A Goncahrov, J C Guerra, H G de Chatellus, M A Harrison, R Holzloehner, E Marchetti, T J Morris, E Pinna, J P Pique, S Rabien, M Reyes, E Ribak, R G M Rutten, H Schenetler, M Strachan, R Stuik, and R G Talbot: The European Extremely Large Telescope WHT laser guide star test facility consortium. Adaptive Optics: Analysis and Methods, Optical Society of America. Ed. B Ellerbroek, Vancouver, Canada, June 19-20 (2007). draft
- E N Ribak: Astronomical Intensity Interferometry. 1st Colloquium, Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, J-F Minster, C de Matos (ESA), Toulouse, France, October 1-4 (2007).
- E N Ribak: Can laser beacons be used as guide stars? Ringberg Workshop on Astronomy with laser guide stars, W. Brandner, Ed., October 28 – November 2 (2007). slides
- S LeBohec, C Barbieri, W-J de Wit, D Dravins, P Feautrier, C Foellmi, A Glindemann, J Hall, J Holder, R Holmes, P Kervella, D Kieda, E Le Coarer, S Lipson, F Malbet, S Morel, P Nunez, A Ofir, E Ribak, S Saha, M Schoeller, B Zhilyaev and H Zinnecker: Toward a revival of Stellar Intensity Interferometry. SPIE 7013-85, Marseilles, June 23-8 (2008).
- E N Ribak: New tools for stellar intensity interferometry, Workshop on Stellar Intensity Interferometry in Salt Lake City, Ed. S. LeBohec 29-30 January (2009).
- E N Ribak: Can laser self-focusing in air replace interferometer siderostats and delay lines? SPIE 7013-194, Marseilles, June 23-8 (2008).
- E N Ribak, S Gladysz: Telling planets from speckle by their redundancy. 4th European Optical Society Topical Meeting on Advanced Imaging Techniques, Jena, Germany (2009).
- S Gladysz, J C Christou, E N Ribak: Detection and characterization of extrasolar planets with multiple-frame, high-contrast methods. 4th European Optical Society Topical Meeting on Advanced Imaging Techniques, Jena, Germany (2009).
- E N Ribak, S Gladysz: Residual speckle removal by aperture modification, European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference. CLEO Europe – EQEC, Munich, Germany (2009). draft
- S Gladysz, E Ribak, B Femenia Castella, L Jolissaint, P Martinez, R Soummer, E Aller Carpentier, M Kasper, J Christou: Suppressing stellar residual light on extremely large telescopes by aperture modulation. AO4ELT, or Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large telescopes, Paris, France (2009). Draft.
- C Barbieri, M K Daniel, W J de Wit, D Dravins, H Jensen, P Kervella, S Le Bohec, F Malbet, P Nunez, J P Ralston, E N Ribak: New Astrophysical Opportunities Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Optical Correlations, Science white paper prepared for the Astro2010 Decadal Review, (2009)
- E N Ribak, R Mackey: Off-Axis Beacon Sharpening. Adaptive Optics: Methods, Analysis and Applications, Optical Society of America. San Jose, CA, USA (2009).
- A Talmi, E N Ribak: Data Compression for Nearly-Periodic Data. Adaptive Optics: Methods, Analysis and Applications, Optical Society of America. San Jose, CA, USA (2009).
- S LeBohec, B Adams, I Bond, S Bradbury, D Dravins, H Jensen, D B Kieda, D Kress, E Munford, P D Nuñez , R Price, E Ribak, J Rose, H Simpson, J Smith: Stellar intensity interferometry: experimental steps toward long-baseline observations, Proc SPIE7734 , 77341D (2010).
- S Dado, A Dar, E N Ribak: Misaligned And Alien Planets From Explosive Death Of Stars, (2011).
- E N. Ribak, N Meitav, and A Labin: Light-tissue interaction in the retina, OASIS 3, or The 13th Meeting on Optical Engineering and Science in Israel, Tel Aviv, paper S8P7 (2011). poster
- E Ribak and N Meitav: Improving Retinal Resolution by Multiple Oversampling, Adaptive Optics: Methods, Analysis and Applications, Optical Society of America , Toronto, Canada (2011).
- E Ribak and N Meitav: Measurement of Packing and Spacing of Photoreceptors, Adaptive Optics: Methods, Analysis and Applications, Optical Society of America , Toronto, Canada (2011).
- E Ribak and S Gladysz, Recovery of Exoplanetary Signals in Re-dispersed Speckle Clutter, Signal Recovery and Synthesis, Optical Society of America , Toronto, Canada (2011).
- S Dado, A Dar and E N Ribak, Exoplanets from supernova explosions, Planetary origins and frontiers of exploration, Ed. O Aharonson, Rehovoth, Israel (2012). poster
- E N Ribak, E Schwartz and S G Lipson, Spectral detections of habitable exoplanets, Planetary origins and frontiers of exploration, Ed. O Aharonson, Rehovoth, Israel (2012). poster
- E N Ribak and S Gladysz, New tools for imaging exoplanets, Planetary origins and frontiers of exploration, Ed. O Aharonson, Rehovoth, Israel (2012).
- N Meitav, E N Ribak and A V Goncharov, High-resolution retinal imaging by corneal immersion, 4th Summer Workshop on Optoinformatics, Ed. B Vohnsen, Maynooth, Ireland (2012). poster
- E Schwartz, S G Lipson and E N Ribak: Spectral detections of habitable exoplanets, 4th Summer Workshop on Optoinformatics, Ed. B Vohnsen, Maynooth, Ireland (2012). poster
- E N Ribak, P Gurfil and C Moreno: Spaceborne intensity interferometry via spacecraft formation flight, SPIE 8445-8, Amsterdam (2012). draft
- E Schwartz, S G Lipson and E N Ribak: Revealing habitable exoplanets through their spectral features, SPIE 8445-71, Amsterdam (2012). draft
- N Meitav, E N Ribak, Estimation of the ocular point spread function by retina modeling, European Optical Society 6th European Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics, Dublin, Ireland (2012). presentation
- N Meitav, E N Ribak, Exploiting ocular properties for simple retinal imaging at high resolution, 1st International Biophotonics Meeting in Israel, Tel Aviv (2012).
- A M. Labin, Shadi K. Safuri, E N Ribak, I Perlman, How vision begins: the effect of light propagation in the retina on human vision, 1st International Biophotonics Meeting in Israel, Tel Aviv (2012).
- E Schwartz, S G Lipson and E N Ribak: Using light and color to detect life on Earth‐like extra‐solar planets, 11th International Conference on Light and Color in Nature, Fairbanks, Alaska (2013).
- I Mishlovsky and E N Ribak: Studies of Light Scattering from the Retina, Israel Physical Society Meeting (2013).
- E Schwartz, S G Lipson and E N Ribak: Spectral interferometric detection of habitable Earth-like planets, Israel Physical Society Meeting (2013).
- E N Ribak, E Schwartz and S G Lipson: Revealing bio-lines of exoplanets by Fourier spectroscopy, SPIE 9146-11 (2014). draft
- E N Ribak: Long-baseline intensity interferometry: data transmission and correlation, Workshop on Hanbury Brown & Twiss interferometry, Nice (2014).
- E N Ribak, A M Labin, S Safuri and I Perlman: Color separation in the retina, Israel Physical Society Meeting (2014). poster
- E N Ribak, A M Labin, S Safuri and I Perlman: Sorting of colors in the retina, American Physical Society March Meeting, San Antonio, Texas (2015).
- E N Ribak: Longitudinal coherence in astronomy, Quantum Astronomy and Stellar Imaging, Sydney(2015). presentation (PPTX 5.7MB)
- E N Ribak: Steps towards intensity interferometry in space, Quantum Astronomy and Stellar Imaging, Sydney(2015). Presentation (PDF, 1.1MB)
- N Meitav, E N Ribak, S Shoham, Microscopic PSF estimation and resolution enhancement by speckle pattern illumination, paper CT1D.3, OSA meeting on Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI), Heidelberg (2016). draft
- E N Ribak, Spectral intensity interferometry for quantum super-resolution, paper CW1C.3, OSA meeting on Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI), Heidelberg (2016). draft
- N Gulinski, E N Ribak, Capture of free-floating planets by stellar systems, Israel Physical Society meeting, Tel Aviv (2016).
- E N Ribak, G Shoulga, A Kellerer, Quantum super-resolution and spectral intensity interferometry, OASIS 6 Optical Meeting, Tel Aviv (2017)
- N Brosch, A I Gomez De Castro, J Murthy, E N Ribak, E Behar and V Balabanov (2017), Ultraviolet astronomy with small space telescopes, Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 47, 1-8, Karlovy Vary, Czech Rep. draft
- E N Ribak, B M Levine, E Behar and V Balabanov (2017), Ultra-violet compact telescope mission, Ultraviolet Sky Surveys, Tel Aviv, 10-14 July (2017).
- N Goulinski, E N Ribak, The capture rate of free-floating planets in our galaxy, European Planetary Science Congress 2017-798, Riga (2017).
- E N Ribak, B M Levine, Phasing a segmented telescope, Frontiers in Optics, Optical Society of America, paper JTu3A.25, Washington DC (2018) Poster, draft
- E N Ribak, Stationary Fourier Transform Spectrometer, Laser Science, Optical Society of America, paper JTu2A.142, Washington DC (2018) Poster, draft
- G Gumpel and E N Ribak, Can we beat diffraction limit with quantum imaging? Israel Physical Society Meeting 2018, Jerusalem (2018).
- G Gumpel and E N Ribak, Astronomy beyond the diffraction limit using an optical amplifier, Optical Society of America Laser Congress, Paper LM4B.7, Vienna (2019)
- E N Ribak and B M Levine, Phasing a deployable sparse telescope, Astro-PH archive, arXiv:1912.00709 (2019)
- E N Ribak and B M Levine, Phasing a sparse telescope, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 11443-182 (2020) draft
- E N Ribak and B M Levine, Shaping apertures and masking, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 11446-79 (2020) draft
- E N Ribak and E Schwartz, Stationary Fourier transform spectrometry, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 11447-250 (2020) draft
- G Gumpel and E N Ribak, Crossing the diffraction limit with an optical amplifier, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 11451-3 (2020) draft
- G Gumpel and E N Ribak, Improving astronomical imaging resolution via optical amplification, Israel Physical Society Meeting, Video conf. (2021)
- B M Levine and E N Ribak, Pupil Masking and Rotated Sub-apertures, Optica Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, paper JTh2A.7, Vancouver (2022)
- G Gumpel and E N Ribak, Beyond the Quantum Optical Diffraction Limit, Optica Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, paper ITu3E.1, Vancouver (2022)
- B M Levine and E N Ribak, Deployable Asymmetric Space Telescope, Oasis 8th International Conference, Tel Aviv (2022), draft
- G Gumpel and E N. Ribak, Quantum super-resolution in thermal light, Oasis 8th International Conference, Tel Aviv (2022), draft